

Spy-Cam May 2018

Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Print images can be mailed to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650.  

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – May 2018

Marion County: On the night of Oct. 1, 2016, DNR Law Enforcement Ranger First Class (RFC) Jesse Harrison was working a complaint about night-hunting activities on Blueville Road near Buena Vista. The following account is from officer Harrison’s official Department of Public Safety incident report: “At approximately 2151 hours (9:51 p.m.), I observed a black…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook May 2018

Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].          

Letters To The Editor May 2018

113 Critters Trapped On 210 Acres Is A Game Changer Dear GON, After reading cover to cover yet another fine edition of GON, I wish to briefly relate a predator control operation that I helped implement on a friend’s 210-acre tract. After this friend had noticed years of decline of all his small game populations…

The Great Adversity

The greater the adversity, the greater the reward. It’s one of the cornerstones of my mindset. An adversity in your life means that there is a difficulty or obstacle in your path that you must first overcome to get to your goal. I’ll get to a hunting example shortly, but let me explain adversities in…

Coyote-Takers Calendar: MAY

By Martin W. Duke and Renee’ Nolan Spring is waning, and summer is waxing. The dogwoods have lost their blooms, and the crappie rush has ended. This can be a challenging month of the year for consistently being successful at taking coyotes by calling. Their annual life cycle is in transition from late winter and…

This Takes Talent!

And you think YOU’RE going crazy waiting for deer season to open… What do you think these idle summer months are doing to the whitetails? Let’s take a look at a recent episode, from a couple of viewpoints; both of which prove that you’re never too old to learn. In this age of trail cameras,…

Editorial-Opinion: May 2018

Today’s word is “Prescient.” To me this word means smart, aware, able to accurately see what may happen in the future, and to be able to prepare for it. I would like to be able to describe myself with such a word. But the fact is, I have been on sort of a loosing streak…

Days GON By May 2018

Each month we turn back the clock to see what was being reported in the pages of GON, 30, 20 and 10 years ago. Here’s a look back at what appeared in GON. 30 Years Ago: May 1988 Cougars Come To Georgia: In an experiment to test whether or not north Florida’s Osceloa National Forest…

The Wabash Express

My lifelong friend, Ducky Jones, and I were lamenting the state of today’s kids recently. On beautiful warm weekends, they are actually indoors, by choice, hunched over a computer screen, killing robots in some silly fantasy game. How sad. I asked Ducky if he remembered one particular weekend when we were kids and got involved…

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