Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Or mail to GON Spy-Cam, PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677.
Thankful For GON’s Tracking Dog List Dear GON, Just a quick note to thank you for again publishing the tracking dog list in your September issue. My son, Rob, shot a fine buck last season but couldn’t find it in the trash brush that had sprung up after a clear-cutting at our deer club. He…
By Blake Hamby Me, my wife, my son Hoke and my youngest son all went over to some private land I have permission on. On the ride over, my youngest son fell asleep, so my wife elected to stay in the truck with him so we could go do our thing. So Hoke and I…
Well, our fall hunting season is finally underway. After a long, hot summer, archery deer season kicked off with some mild temperatures. Our state has one of the longest deer hunting seasons in the country, running from Sept. 14 to Jan. 12 in most counties, with bowhunters in extended archery counties being able to hunt…
“Ye ain’t lissenin’! And if ye is ye ain’t soakin in what I’m a’ tryin’ to set out fer ye. Why, it’s purely foolproof!” I feel myself weakening; 59 minutes of being argued at by the oldest fool I know, and it’s hit or miss whether I live out the hour… “Jake, what I’m seeing…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Appling County: On Oct. 23, 2023, Game Warden Dylan Bennett was conducting surveillance in the area of Hunter Road in Appling County.…
Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Or mail to GON Spy-Cam, PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677.
Send photographs to [email protected] and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details. Send photographs to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county,…
Except for irate wives, unreasonable game wardens and “didn’t get in ‘til 3 a.m.” hangovers, nothing affects an outdoorsman’s success more than the weather. And since all hunters and fishermen know this, they are probably concerned about the political and media hysteria surrounding “climate change.” Let me explain quickly. “Weather” is short-term local atmospheric…