

Tournament Reports – May 2021


GON Kids – May 2021

Fish-n-Learn Program Hosts 18 At Charlie Elliott On April 9-11, 18 participants joined WRD Fisheries and Education staff at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for a weekend of fishing known as Fish-n-Learn 2. Children and their chaperones learned the basics of bass fishing, fisheries management and regulations, along with fishing techniques. Fish-n-Learn offers a series of…

Picking A Partner

Finding the right hunting and/or fishing partner is an extremely important and serious undertaking and can sometimes take years. Ideally, it should be someone with the same level of love for your chosen sport and of similar personality and disposition. After all, you will be sharing one of the most significant portions of your life with…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook – May 2021


Hunter’s Journal – May 2021

By Shawn Lumsden The morning starts no different than any other morning in the turkey woods. My wife Chelsea and I wake up much earlier than need be, gather our gear, brew a pot of coffee and prepare for the morning hunt. We are beyond excited to begin the second weekend of Georgia’s 2019 spring…

Letters To The Editor – May 2021

Another Side To Using Deer Feeders On Your Property Dear GON, Most deer hunters jump at the chance to lure deer into a feeder. I am sure there are success stories out there, but there is more involved in suppling a ready food source in the woods to get that deer.  I fully understand why a…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – May 2021

Springtime Spring in Georgia… for those who spend much time in the outdoors, there isn’t a season that holds more promise than spring. What an awesome transition from the bleakness of winter. I really don’t believe there is a season that carries quicker and stronger changes than spring. Summer slowly subsides here in the South.…

Just Don’t Get Bit!

“Hey Mister, will your dog bite? I’m gonna pet him…” “HOLD UP! You might want to check with HIM first.” If you’re one of those folks who firmly believe that dogs are nothing more than sweet little nieces and nephews draped in fur, you might want to drop this and pick up the latest copy…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner May 2021

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Pierce County: On Sept. 14, 2019, Game Warden First Class Judd Sears was conducted night hunting surveillance on Big House Road in…

Scrapbook May 2021

See your favorite sportsman or woman — or see yourself — in an upcoming issue of GON magazine! Send photographs to [email protected] and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details on your Georgia catch or harvest.  

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