

Tough Conditions For Eufaula Bass Tournament

Mitchell Grimsley is a 15-year-old sophomore at Towns County High School where he competes on the high school fishing team. Mitchell’s GON Blog centers around his fishing outings and tournament experiences in Georgia. We fished Lake Eufaula for a tournament on Jan. 19. With all the recent rainfall, Eufaula was very muddy with a clarity…

The GON Parking Lot

Crazy thing happened to me over the holidays. I met GON freelance writer Donald Jarrett in the GON parking lot. That’s alone is not crazy, but the happenstance, circumstances and connections turned that random meeting into something very special. I also met his Donald’s son Devereaux. Still not getting it? If I didn’t walk out…

Hunter’s Journal: B.F. Grant WMA Buck

By Mike Simmons A few friends of mine and I got selected for this year’s B.F. Grant WMA quota hunt in Putnam County from Nov. 1-3. We had attended this hunt two years ago, and although we did not see very many deer during that hunt due to the prevailing drought and uncharacteristically hot weather,…

Work Sabbatical Does A Hunter Good

My sabbatical away from a GON desk and the 9-5 Monday-Friday grind has come to a close. When I came to work for GON in 1998, I was a single man and hunted or fished pretty much every weekend of the year. But then came the wife in 2002, the first kid in 2004, the second…

Teen Deer Hunter Has Holy Spirit Moment

I experienced something on Sunday, Dec. 16 that I bet most deer hunters have never seen before. There was a group of 20 or so of us winding down from a weekend of deer and hog hunting with 30-30 Ministries in Houston County. Our five Camper kids had done well, taking two bucks, three does…

Just Kill A Deer Already

“Cochran, you just need to kill a deer.” Those were the words that Brad Gill spoke in our discussion about me not being sure if I was ever going to sit in my spacious blind again. It was difficult for me to come to terms that I injured a buck and was not able to…

Saying Goodbye To The Blazer

On Sunday, I had to say goodbye, not to a pet or even worse a friend or family member. This was just a monetary thing, but it was still sad to say goodbye. A man from Summerville, who was accompanied by his 44-year-old son, left Putnam County the proud new owner of my dad’s 1974…

A First Buck To Remember

By Justin Lance Benton is my son who is 8 years old. He killed his first deer last season, a doe. Early this year during youth week he was able to bag another mature doe. Since that time, he has been determined to kill his first buck. We have hunted almost every weekend Saturday and…

Hit Or Miss? Time Will Tell

I would like to start this post off with a little background information that I do hope to fully write about later on. This is my first year bowhunting and the first year that I am hunting alone. How I began bowhunting, let alone the reason I have my bow, deserves an article by itself,…

Fix The College Football Playoff… An SEC Championship Hangover

I bleed black with my red. You can hate my love for UGA, no worries. Good ol’ fashioned hate, I get it. I’m super proud of those college kids who fought so hard, and grateful that we have a football team that’s been championship relevant for two straight seasons. Saying they have been relevant is…

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