

A Dad’s Duty

My dad is not a hunter. My dad is not a fisherman. My dad is not what I would call an outdoorsman like me. At an early age, I showed a special interest in the outdoors, despite my father’s indifference to these activities, but I never lacked for places to hunt and fish when I…

High School Students Make Dirt Hole Sets For Coyotes

I recently excepted an invite to spend 90 minutes with some high-school students at St. John Bosco Academy in Cumming. The subject was one of my favorites: coyote trapping. You know you love it when there’s no notes or outline needed to prepare. Just be there, run my mouth about a God-given passion and show…

GON’s Trophy Room – April 2023

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us about what they’ve accomplished.…

Why I Call It Famous

It all started with an interest. I was searching for someone to teach me how to make an antler knife. Through a serendipitous conversation with a client of mine, I was given the name and phone number of the mentor I sought. That someone happened to be an 81-year-old man from Carnegie named Edwin H.…

Waiting On Wednesday

I stared at the clock, anxiously awaiting the lunchtime bell. There was no way I could focus on my school lessons. This was Wednesday! Right on time, Dr. Hart pulled up to the school to check his son, Tom, and me out of class. Towed behind his 90s model dark green Toyota 4Runner SUV was…

Leave Nothing In The Tank

I was running my trap line one morning recently when the phone rang.  “Ready to come get this stuff?” my buddy asked. I whirled around and five minutes later I was standing in a barn drooling over a workbench full of trapping gear. My friend’s dad passed away some months back, and he knew I…

GON’s Trophy Room – March 2023

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us about what they’ve accomplished.…

Home On The Alapaha

To say that this river is special to my family is an understatement. It has cared for my kin for well over 200 years, ever since my Carter ancestors settled in Lanier County in the 1700s. The Carter line unfortunately died with my maternal grandfather, Robert Carter. He was also one of the last ones…

Gun Violence And Common Sense In America

Few events are more distressing than waking up to the news of some deranged idiot shooting people at a school or mall. Is there a solution—a magic wand move that would make it 100% certain we never wake up to that news again? The answer is no. But if we’re going to do something to…

Growing Trophies Or Growing Memories?

With most debatable topics, I have an opinion, a side that I know I stand on. With this one, I am just not sure. I can argue both sides. As I was going through the annual GON VOTES results, I saw a comment from someone in favor of lowering the Georgia buck limit to one.…

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