Hunter: Joe Lee
Points: 10 (5L, 5R)
County: Troup
Season: 2022-2023
Hunt Story
For the past week I had seen lots of rut activity on my farm in Troup County with the peak being Wednesday, November 16. On Thursday and Friday, all I saw were does and fawns and could not figure out where all the bucks had gone. I decided to go to a shooting house on the back of the property with a big food plot and feeder. I arrived at the shooting house around 6:30 a.m. and got ready for my hunt. Around 7, a doe came out and started feeding in the plot then ten minutes later my target buck came out. He was around 200 yards from my shooting house. This monster came out of the creek bottom headed toward the doe. At 100 yards from me, he turned broadside and gave me a shot. That's all it took. I saw my chance and I fired. It was a very exciting morning hunt.