
Deer Rescued From Hole

GON Staff | February 15, 2001

On Dec. 30, Buddy Judd, of Macon, was deer hunting in Crawford County. As he still hunted through some planted pines, he heard the distinct sound of a deer stomping its foot. Buddy stopped to scan the woods but was puzzled that he could see nothing despite having a clear view for 50 or 60 yards.

After taking a few more steps, he discovered a 3- or 4-foot-wide hole in the ground. When he peered in, he saw a yearling doe at the bottom of the hole. The hole, mostly covered with roots and pine straw, was about 6 or 8 feet wide and about 12 feet deep. The doe appeared to be in good condition. Buddy went and called for help.

This yearling doe paces beneath the tailgate lowered into the hole.

Ronnie Yarborough and Cindy Chapman, both of Lizella, came to assist in the rescue of the deer. They first considered roping the deer but were afraid they might injure it pulling it up. A plywood ramp was also considered. Finally, they lowered the tailgate of a utility trailer into the hole, hoping the deer could scramble out. It could not and ran in circles in the bottom of the hole.

Not knowing what else to do, Ronnie dropped into the hole with a the 70-lb. deer. He was able to get a grip on the deer without being kicked and lifted the struggling and bleating deer up the tailgate until Buddy could grab the front legs and pull it out. Once on the ground, the doe didn’t waste any time sprinting away.

Buddy said the hole has since been flagged, and they plan to fence it off.

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