Hunter: John Wesley Prickett
Points: 10 (5L, 5R)
County: Pulaski
Season: 2016-2017
Hunt Story
I got in the stand at 3:30. At about 5:30 some does came out and started feeding. About 10 minutes later this buck came out and started chasing the does out in the field. I grunted once and he stopped. I shot and he run farther out in the field, so I shot again and he ran back in the woods. I thought I missed because he acted normal going back in. My dad helped me try to find where he went in, but we couldn't find any blood so we walked along the field edge and found a blood trail about 30 yards past where I thought he went in. We tracked him for about 100 yards and found him. I was so excited! I went from thinking I missed a pretty buck to finding him in about an hour and a half. Turned out to be a great day!