Hunter: Riley Lester
Points: 8 (4L, 4R)
County: Dooly
Season: 2016-2017
Hunt Story
I was hunting with my Dad, but he was in another stand across the road. I hadn't seen anything but squirrels until about 8:00 when a single doe came in. She got to within 5 yards, and I drew my bow back and was getting ready to shoot when I saw another deer. This one had a good rack so I let down. He was about 36 yards away and I would range him and get my release ready, then he would move. I had to range him like 5 times. Finally he stopped at 23 yards and gave me a broadside shot. My shot was a little low but went right through the heart. He only ran about 80 yards and I could see him crash. I had to wait on my Dad to come before I could get down, but that was a good thing because my legs were shaking so much. My cousin has a tracking dog and he wanted to use him for the practice, but it was an easy blood trail. I shot my first two deer with a bow last year (two does). This was my first bow buck!