
photo of a deer killed by Jonah Cowartphoto of a deer killed by Jonah Cowartphoto of a deer killed by Jonah Cowart

Hunter: Jonah Cowart

Points: 9 (5L, 4R)

County: Carroll

Season: 2016-2017

Hunt Story

On November 19th I got up to go hunting with my dad. This time of year was always special for us. We had watched this 9-point for a few years now. He was named the Wicked 9-point. I had several trail-cam pictures of the buck over the years. I had been hunting every chance I got for the past month try everything I know to kill Wicked 9. On the morning of November 19th, it was a windy morning and a cool front was coming in, so I thought it was going to be a great morning. I had watched several doe cross by and around 8:15. Wicked 9 crossed, I had to yell to get him to stop and finally he did. When he stops, he stops facing away from me. I say it's now or never, I pull the trigger, he drops at around 300 yards. I was in shock.
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