
photo of a deer killed by Kelly Gloverphoto of a deer killed by Kelly Gloverphoto of a deer killed by Kelly Glover

Hunter: Kelly Glover

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Morgan

Season: 2016-2017

Hunt Story

This buck had made an appearance the night before right at dusk. I took two shots, and it ran into the woods. After a hour of searching for a blood trail, I accepted the fact that I missed him completely. I figured that I would probably not see him again. The next evening, I made my way to my blind and was setting up to sit back and wait for the sun to go down, but not 20 minutes after I got there, I looked up to see him strolling down the pasture, heading for the trees. When he was right in front of me, he stopped and I took my shot. He jumped up, circled one time and dropped about 5 feet away..
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