John Megel Chevrolet
1392 Highway 400 South
Dawsonville, GA 30534

John Megel Chevrolet is owned by one person not by a group or a Mega Car franchise Organization. John Megel Chevrolet is proud to serve sportsmen with the highest quality makes, models and service. From the minute you enter the showroom you can expect to witness the astonishing Chevy line-up, sure to find exactly what you are looking for.
We strongly promote and are very passionate in regard to our endeavor of “Fin, Fur & Feathers Spectacular” while catering to all but, relating very closely to those fisherman & hunters of both big and small game. We’ve been sponsoring the GON Truck-Buck contest for nearly 30 years and are also proud sponsors of Ducks Unlimited, Delta Water Foul, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, North American White Tail, Quail Unlimited, National Wildlife Turkey Federation and many others! Supporting our love for the outdoors by sharing stories and dreams of what we all love so very dearly makes the buying experience that much more enjoyable; making and keeping customers and friends for years to come. From a Chevy dealership that really cares, click the link above for more information about us!