
photo of a deer killed by Shanny Meeksphoto of a deer killed by Shanny Meeksphoto of a deer killed by Shanny Meeks

Hunter: Shanny Meeks

Points: 9 (5L, 4R)

County: Greene

Season: 2016-2017

Hunt Story

I was hunting a clearcut that I've been hunting since last year. I have seen a lot of deer from this stand, and I knew eventually a good buck would show up. Two does came out into the clearcut on my right. As I was watching them, a slight gust of wind blew from my left, and I caught a smell of a buck. I glanced to my left and and caught where the smell was coming from. A buck had entered the clearcut and seemed to be heading toward the does. I knew he was a shooter the minute I saw him. I put the scope on him and as soon as he stopped, I shot. He ran approximately 60 yards and I heard him crash. I let him lay for a while until my buddies came out of the woods to help me retrieve him. It was an awesome morning! The Lord has blessed me with great things in my life, and this is just another blessing that I am truly thankful for.
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