
photo of a deer killed by Terry Reedphoto of a deer killed by Terry Reedphoto of a deer killed by Terry Reed

Hunter: Terry Reed

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Cherokee

Season: 2016-2017

Hunt Story

Started out with a buck at 12 yards at daylight but ran off before my wife got a shot. About 20 minutes later the woods were filled with deer. My wife had this deer in her sights, but before I could get my gun up to make sure it was a deer we weren't suppose to shoot, he walked down into the woods, and while I was trying to see what deer it was, my wife said he's back in the field fighting with another deer and then she shot before I knew it. But I'm like that, wasn't the same deer because I was still watching him through my scope thinking she was about to shoot him. But the one she shot dropped, and the other buck stood there and the buck I was looking at stayed there too even after she was jumping up and down that she got him. And I said that was a different buck. Then she said there's the other one, so I got up and went around the side of the tree she was on cause we were hunting on the ground with no blind or nothing, just on the ground, and so I got back on the 1st buck and pulled trigger. But I didn't have safety off, so throw safety off and got on him again and shot but didn't see him drop or run off. We waited for around 30 minutes before all the other deer left the area, and then went to look at her buck. Looking through my scope down through the woods trying to spot my buck, and sure enough he fell straight back behind a tree so it was a great day for the Reed family that morning to double with two nice 8-points with your wife.
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