Hunter: Scott Chambers
Points: 8 (4L, 4R)
County: Houston
Season: 2015-2016
Hunt Story
I had set out my ground blind two days earlier on an abandoned logging road between planted pines and an oak bottom in a place I had never hunted before and didn't hunt it the first morning. I got to the ground blind about 6:30 the second morning and waited on daylight. We had heard on a previous hunt that the rut was a little later this year due to the weather. About 7:00 am I hit my bleat can. At 7:15 I noticed movement about 40 yards down the road coming out of the oak bottom. As the road had grown up, the only thing I saw was antlers crossing the road. Since this was a buck only hunt that day, I knew i could shoot the deer. It stopped just before entering the planted pines and was looking at the ground blind through the fog when I shot. After 45 minutes or so, I went to where he was standing when I shot. It was when I came up on the deer that I noticed how big he was. At the check station, the DNR officer aged the buck at 5 1/2 years old and weighed 178 lbs. He said they hardly see bucks brought in that live that long. Taking this deer on an open hunt on public lands made this a special hunt. Our group has been hunting this hunt for close to 15 years and this is definitely the biggest buck taken.