
photo of a deer killed by Austin McCowenphoto of a deer killed by Austin McCowenphoto of a deer killed by Austin McCowen

Hunter: Austin McCowen

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Heard

Season: 2015-2016

Hunt Story

That morning we saw a spike around 8 am. At the same time we heard something running and grunting behind us, but the woods were too thick to see what it was. The spike heard the other buck grunting, and then he ran toward the thicket where the other buck was. After a minute or so we couldn't hear them anymore, so we knew that they had left our area. After that almost three hours went by, and we were thinking about going to lunch when all of a sudden this 8-pointer stepped out of a thicket approximately 40 yards in front of us. He crossed a dirt road and entered into another thicket. While he was in this area, we saw him rub on a tree. After about 30 seconds of rubbing on the tree, the buck then stepped out of the thicket and into a shooting lane. Austin shot the buck, and he dropped dead in his tracks. After getting down and looking at the buck, we noticed there was also a scrape right next to the tree the buck rubbed on.
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