SYC Ministries Hosts 16th Annual Putnam County Hunt
Branch Hunting Club says they really enjoy this family reunion.
Donald Devereaux Jarrett | December 1, 2015
A Putnam County hunting club joined SYC Ministries and hit the woods for the 16th consecutive year on Halloween weekend. Branch Hunting Club has hosted the SYC (Special Youth Challenge) group since 2000.
SYC is a Christian based, non-profit organization geared toward helping handicapped youth develop skills to enjoy the great outdoors, mainly in hunting and fishing activities.
The annual hunt, coordinated by club member Andy Rouse and SYC Georgia Director Joey Wiggins, and supported strongly by Georgia Power Company, continues to be a huge success for all involved. Club members, Georgia Power employees, family and friends have consistently volunteered each fall to make the hunt a favorite time of year for all involved.
Andy has coordinated the event every year since its inception.
“I have always had it on my heart to help kids like these,” said Andy. “When I saw an opportunity so many years ago to do something like this, I jumped on it. I probably get more out of this hunt with this group than the kids or their families. They just don’t realize it. All the work is worth it, just to see the smiles on their faces.”
This year saw 12 hunters take a total of seven deer and several fish on the midday tradition of fishing from the club pond.
Club President Bobby Knight was excited to offer Branch Hunting Club once again for the annual hunt.
“You get attached to these kids, and you can see the excitement on their faces the minute they arrive,” said Bobby. “They are a great group of people. They have special needs, but make no mistake about it, they are very independent. They want to do all they can for themselves but don’t mind a little assistance. They take the hunting seriously and enjoy the fellowship as much as we do. They will tell you it’s like a family reunion. They love it here, and we love having them.”
Branch Hunting Club intends to continue their relationship with SYC Ministries and is looking forward to next year’s reunion.
For more information about the Georgia Chapter of SYC Ministries, contact SYC State Director Joey Wiggins at (229) 222-1458 or Andy Rouse at (478) 414-8493.
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