Hunter: Greg Brinn
Points: 12 (6L, 6R)
County: Thomas
Season: 2024-2025
Hunt Story
Got in the stand later than I usually do. It was only 10 minutes till shooting light. But luckily I didn’t spook any deer getting in. Right before shooting light a doe came out on the left of the plot and started feeding. Not long after shooting light she left. At 7:00 two more does came out and fed in the same area. At 7:10 I glanced their way and just uphill stood a giant buck looking at them. Then he started walking across the plot to the right. He stopped in front of the stand and looked right at me. I couldn’t reach for the gun or move. After what seemed like forever he continued on to the right and started feeding. I got the gun up and had to wait for him to turn. He did and I dropped him on the spot with a neck shot. This is the biggest buck of my life, what a blessing from God.