
photo of a deer killed by Kevin Knowlesphoto of a deer killed by Kevin Knowlesphoto of a deer killed by Kevin Knowles

Hunter: Kevin Knowles

Points: 9 (5L, 4R)

County: Marion

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Hunting Chattahoochee Fall Line - Hillard Tract, I was watching a yearling doe feed on acorns in front of me. She kept looking and watching to my right. So I kept watching to my right. He popped out 20 yards right on top of me. I wasn’t but 5 feet in a split trunk tree, with gun still hanging on the tree and I couldn’t move. As fate has it, he turned to his left. This gave me a chance to get my gun off the hook. Then he realized I wasn’t supposed to be there. He tried to get back to where he came from. But he made 2 more left turns, 1 away from me and another back to his left. These turns gave me the opportunity to shoulder my rifle and take the shot. He ran about 50 yards before he ran out of air.
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