
photo of a deer killed by Vance Hall-Williamsphoto of a deer killed by Vance Hall-Williamsphoto of a deer killed by Vance Hall-Williams

Hunter: Vance Hall-Williams

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Hancock

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

In a 10-foot stand facing up toward an acorn ridge. I knew there was an active scrap 10 yards directly behind me. Squirrels had been barking all evening but I didn't see any movement. Then behind me I heard squirrels barking, saw a rack low to the ground moving upwind of the scrape. It happened face. I saw him walking slowly, I swung my rifle around, barked at him, he stopped, I took 2 breaths, pulled the trigger, and I dropped him.
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