I had just gotten off work & drove to my buddies house who I hunt with regularly. With rut starting early I have been squeezing in any time I can get in the woods! Shawn set me up in a stand right at 4:45pm. At 5:05pm I looked to my right & I saw this bruiser step out of the thicket with his head low looking straight passed my stand. I look to my left & see a doe standing there looking back at him. He beelined it for her! He walked 20 yards & when he got in front of me with an opening I got him to stop & nailed him in the heart with a 25 yard shot! He ran 50 yards & died within minutes! Biggest buck I have ever shot & especially with my bow! 11 pointer with a double brow tine & 200lbs! Thank you lord for this beautiful buck!